Edit Try and Buy Case for SO-56024 - IF-24510

Case started on 12/26/2023

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Gray = case due date changed after email was sent

Internal Notes

Timestamp Author Note
2024-05-17 01:36 PM Changed status from Invoiced to Paid
2024-02-16 02:31 PM Stephanie Waters Hello PureWrx Team and Juniper Team; Hamilton-Wentworth will be keeping this equipment so if you can advise your Invoicing Team. Please reach out to @Jeff Wilson with any questions relating to this T&B and confirm once this has been completed. Can you also cancel the updates that are coming through with timelines for returning the equipment I have attached a couple and email thread with some details but let us know if you require any additional information for this.
2024-02-16 02:30 PM Stephanie Waters Changed status from Open to Invoiced

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